Vietnam Car Rental information

Vietnam Car Rental information provides you the detailed information about the car rental with real distance and Travel distance from Vietnam Tour Tailor Company Ltd. While getting a Vietnam Car rental quotation with us, you will see the way we calculate our Real Distance for the drive and then added on to make a paying amount for the car rental with a special distance called: Tourism Distance. So, what is Real Distance and Tourism Distance?

1. Real Distance: It is simply the Google Map distance between the 2 destinations. For example, you will wish to get a car rental from Hanoi to Halong City, you will be able to goolge it to know how far is the 2 places. The map below can show you the details and it is call: REAL DISTANCE of Hanoi and Halong City


View Bản Đồ Hà Nội in a larger map

For this map, you can learn that the REAL Distance of the 2 places is 150kms.

2. Tourism Distance: The Tourism Distance is the kms that we have to get to pay for the cost of the car to bring you to the place. When you hire a vehicle to the place, we will automatically added on the same real distance to the total to bring our vehicle back. In the example above, we will have 150kms + 150 kms to be called the REAL DISTANCE 2 ways. It will be 300 kms.

For your trip, we will need to pay a lot of tolls and car parking and we normally added in 10% of the cost and that would come to the total of the car rental. To make it easier, we normally round it up to the next 50 or 100. In the example above: we will have:

Paying touism Distance: 10%*(150+150) = 330kms. Round up to be 350 kms.

So, when you want to make a car rental with us, you will pay the Tourism Distance of the car rental by multiplying it with the Cost per Km of each vehicle. As the above, we will learn that the amount of money you will need to pay as:

Hanoi rate for 16 seats van: 7.000d/km => the 16 seats day trip car rental to Halong City = 350kms * 7.000d =2.450.000d (120$) . If you want to make it an overnight trip, we will just add in the Overnight Cost of the car rentals as counted 75kms added on the Tourism Distance (this is also the money to pay the overnight fee for drivers and the cost for his room rental for a night).

So, for this example, you will need to pay 2.450.000d (120$) for the day trip with the 16 seats vehicle rental to Halong Bay.

If you are going to go overnight in Halong Bay Cruises for 2 days 1 nights, you will need to pay 2.450.000d + 75kms*7000d = 2.975.000d (142$)

If you are going to go overnight in Halong Bay Cruises for 3 days 2 nights , you will need to pay 2.450.000d + 75kms*7000d + 75*7000d= 3.500.000d (167$).

So, we can sum up the 16 seats vehicle rental for Halong bay from Hanoi as:

Day trip: 120$

2 days 1 night: 142$

3 days 2 nights: 167$

For all the other car rental services, we will also apply the same method. It will be different with the vehicle rental per kms in each places but Vietnam Tour Tailor will explain clearly the way we calculate the cost in each quotation so that you will be sure that this is the REAL business of Car rental in Vietnam!